Thursday, 7 October 2010

"Future? Fucked if I know what today holds..." (The Future Of The Job)

There was always a profound sense of what we wanted to achieve with The Job. Did we want to go as far as The Wire had done and focus on the criminals and the politicl side of society that creates a rounded and highly perceptive aspect of human life. It is hard at this early stage to pin down where this project will go eventually, as it is yet to, even with it's profund amount of interest, gone anywhere yet. That's not to say that is won't.

The dream aspect of doing this project is that it receives funding. We all have our own space in which to plan production and we are able to work on the project full time. The only other thing was to work on the project over a long period of time with whatever funding we had at our disposal, working within our own homes, whatever locations we could muster; a genuine peice of independent programme making. From the inital episodes we have written, a total of four for the first series, the development of the project would be in it's long life, introducing the different shifts.

The dream, as it will be called from on, is to walk into HMV one day and see The Job box-set, collecting A, B, C and D shifts, with the two one- off specials we have planned; the Christmas episode and the more mad-cap, surreal episode I have planned around my own view of criminals, neds, whatever you want to call them, however, I hate using the word neds.

With the case being close to completing the final two episodes of series 1, the progression has to spurn the further second shift, leading into the third and so on. I can honestly say, we're not going to be short of ideas for this.

Ryan Jon Amey Henderson